1. History and Vision
AIZAWL BIBLE COLLEGE is a Pentecostal and Charismatic Christian Biblical studies located at Tuikual North ‘D’ Mual, Aizawl: Mizoram. The Institution was established in the year 1998 by the Assemblies of God Mission Kolkata in memorial of Rev. Dr. (L). Mark Buntain who was missionary of Assemblies of God to India. ABC was run under the supervision of Assemblies of God of East India till 2022. From 2022 the college was under Assemblies of God, Mizoram District.
The Institution began as an Extension Bible School with a Certificate of Theology course. The Diploma in Theology was added in 2000, the Bachelor of Theology in 2009. Now the Institution offers only Bachelor of Theology. From an initial group of few students and 3 faculty members, the Institution has grown to a student body of 190 with 6 faculty members. BMBC Programme is designed for personal and spiritual development as well as professional ministry preparation and also enables the students to develop the Spiritual and character formation to combat the darkness of the world.
Our vision describes what we want to be and what we want to achieve together for the Kingdom of God. It knocks the students’ body and all the teachings staffs of ABC to focus for tomorrow; it inspires and enables us to guide our decisions.
The Institution is thriving, Christ-centered educational institution, promoting God’s kingdom vision of transformation for the Church and world as reflected in Scripture, and developing Christ followers who really sense the call of God, spiritually, academically and ethically inspired and able to positively impact their carriers, churches, communities and society.
2. Objectives
To fulfill its mission, ABC has formulated the following objectives:
To build and strengthen Christian character and commitment by emphasizing personal and community spiritual disciplines essential to the education process.
To motivate and train students to advance the growth and mission of the church by providing regular and meaningful ministerial opportunities.
To train Christian ministers in the knowledge of the Word of God and in methods of effective ministry.
To stimulate Christian zeal to spread the message of Jesus Christ in Mizoram, India, Myanmar and other neighboring countries.
To serve as an instrument to perpetuate and strengthen the work of the Assemblies of God.
The ultimate goal for the College is to be positive Agents for change in both church and society, and enable the students to develop the spiritual and character formation to combat the darkness of the world.
3. Our Mission
To extend the Kingdom of God through the ministries of Assemblies of God by training youngsters and to bring the gospel throughout Mizoram, North East India , and South Asia by any means.
4. Organization
The Institution is governed by Managing Board selected from Mizoram District Assemblies of God. The Chairman of Managing Board and Principal are responsible for overall administration. Students’ affairs are administered by Principal, Dean of Academic and Dean of Students.
5. Accreditation
Aizawl Bible College is an accredited Institution by Assemblies of God Association for Theological Education of South Asia (AGATESA).