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Application for Admission Procedure
All correspondence concerning application should be addressed to the Academic Dean, Buntain Memorial Bible College, Post Box – 115, Tuikual North ‘D’ Mual, Aizawl:Mizoram – 796001,
Email: aizawlbiblecollege24@gmail.com
The following documents should be submitted to the Academic office at least five days before the entrance examination:
Duly completed application form.
A written personal statement of Christian experience, and a clear sense of call for full-time Christian ministry.
Duly attested copies of all the certificates and transcripts (original copies should be shown at the time of admission).
Medical fitness certificate.
Financial support statement from the sponsor(s).
Confidential letters of recommendation from pastor.
Three copies of recent passport size photographs.
Application will be rejected if there is any discrepancy in the stated documents. Incomplete application will not be considered.
Admission Requirements
1. Bachelor of Theology
Candidates should have successfully completed the pre- university course or its equivalent. Students who are awaiting results may apply. Such candidates will have to produce the grades of the previous course completed. If admitted they should produce completion certificate before the end of the first semester.
Note: At the time of admission, original certificates should be shown to the office.
2. Entrance Examination
All applicants for admission to the B.Th are required to pass an entrance examination covering three one-hour papers: Bible Knowledge, English and General Knowledge.
3. Qualifications
Physical qualification – The Candidate must be physically healthy and free from all physical deformities or sickness.
Educational qualification – The candidate must completed matriculation.
Attitudinal qualification – The candidate should have a positive attitude in the ministry and towards the local church and her leadership.
Spiritual qualification – The candidate must be steady in his/ her Christian Walk and be constantly growing and must have consistent and strong devotional life; must display spiritual maturity moral purity and humility to comply with the rules and regulations of the College.
Entrance Test & Interview……………………… Second last week of May
Pre-Theology Class……………………………... Last week of May
Regular Class begin…………………………….. First week of June
Fresher’s Night………………………………….. Second week of June
Foundation Day………………………………..... July 20
I Semester Mid-Term Exams………………….... Last Week of July
Spiritual Emphasis Week……………………….. First Week of August
Independence Day…………………………….... August 15
Teacher’s Day…………………………………..... September 5
First Semester Final Exams…………………….. Last week of September
Sports Week……………………………………... Second Week of October
II Semester Mid-Term Exams…………………... Second Week of December
Christmas Vocation…………………………….... Second Week of December
Class Re-open…………………………………..... Second Week of January
Republic Day……………………………………... February 26
Graduation Day………………………………….. First Sunday of March